Areas of specialization
The company is organized into three sections namely: Environmental Management, Occupational Health and Safety and Community Development services, which offer independent and inter-dependent services that are administered as a group. A core staff of professionals and eminent consultants, supported by administrative personnel, enable the company to meet the needs of multi-disciplinary assignments.
It is the company’s view that sustainable development is achievable when environmental aspects form part of the project planning and design processes, so as to identify and assess probable risks and impacts thus incorporating solutions at the very start of development activities.
Our services include:
- Basic Assessment
- Environmental profiling and scoping
- Environmental situation analysis
- Environmental Impact Assessment
- Strategic environmental assessments
- Environmental Management Plans
- Environmental Control activities (such as auditing)
- Baseline surveys
- Risk assessments
- GIS training
- Map production
The ISD section of the company has been developed to provide specialist services to communities and clients. This section offers the following services:
- Stakeholder engagement
- Baseline and social surveys for preparation of feasibility reports and implementation plans
- Training needs assessments
- Training communities in the fields of project finances, project management, labour issues and conflict management
- Social impact assessments
- Project facilitation, community mobilization and liaison
- Community participation strategies
- Health and hygiene education (HIV /AIDS intervention)
The company’s Occupational Health and Safety section performs its duties and activities within the dictates of the South African legislation. It is the company’s ethical commitment to protect and safe guard both the natural environment and the lives of those working within the construction sector.
In this regard, the section engages in the following Health and Safety activities:
- Compilation of Safety and Health policy;
- Compilation of occupational health and safety plans
- Assessment of contractors’ health and safety plans on behalf of clients;
- Carry out legal compliance assessments and audits;
- Conduct risk assessment studies;
- Provide Health and Safety training for construction personnel;
- Compile injury on duty documentation and procedures.